Where have you been?


Hey everyone!! Oh my, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve blogged. And boy, have I missed it!

Well, life threw me some curve balls (really great ones) and I haven’t been able to find them to blog. But, I had a sec today, so here I am.


We’ve been a ski trip with friends and made several trips to the doctors office. What can I say, ear infections have loved to hang out at my house. Oh, and strep throat too, ha!


But, all in all, we’re doing well. The kiddos are growing super fast! My daughter just turned two and is quite the mess-maker, ha! My son is 4 and like to surprise us with random facts, like about satellites and the Internet. Needless to say, they keep up on our toes. And of course, we wouldn’t have it any other way.




As some of you know, I started to carry a small amount of inventory at a local boutique. We call it Tori’s Collections. It has been so much fun to see clothing and accessories – and I love being around all of the locals! You can check out my Facebook page – Tori’s Collections to see what I have. Oh, and some of it is even on sale. Check it out!

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Also, back in November, I became of distributor of LipSense (SeneGence is the company). This was something I wrestled with for two months, but eventually decided to follow my gut on. And you know what, it has been the biggest blessing. I wouldn’t change it for the world! I know have a fabulous team (that’s growing quickly) of ladies that are achieving goals, making money, and learning about themselves during the process. If you would like more info, head to my page Shop LipSense or my Facebook group Glossy Gals to see more. Have a question? Email me at yourgalnextdoor@gmail.com 


I really hope to keep up with the blog more! I truly enjoy connecting with y’all! Take care and chat soon!!


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