Let Them Make a Mess


Happy Saturday, y’all! This was a another busy week, and I didn’t get my post up yesterday. But, I did a little event introducing my mini-boutique — it was so fun! Thanks again to everyone that came out!

I wanted to talk about something I have encountered as a mom. What I want to talk about isn’t revolutionary. It’s not going to make in the pages of Parenting Magazine or mentioned on the Today Show.

I just want to talk about kids making a mess.

Why? It’s just part of having kids, right? We all deal with cleaning the house, laundry, and, picking up toys. I know sometimes I have bribed (yes, bribed. You have too, right?) my son to clean the playroom. I’ve said something like, “If you clean up the playroom, we can go outside.” Or, “If the playroom is cleaned up, we can have a friend over.”

As much as we have to clean, it’s easy to resent this daily chore. Anybody feel like this? Trying to maintain a house, especially when the kids aren’t cooperating (or following chore rules) can create a lot of frustrating. 

That’s why this play session was a lot different.

The other day I was wanting to snap a pic of my kiddos playing. In order for me to do this in my house, I have to move my kitchen table. I know, crazy! It’s the only way I can get natural light with a white background, ha! But, I wasn’t planning on my little picture turning into something that inspired me.

While the kiddos were in the kitchen, I ran into the playroom and grabbed a puzzle and a bag pom poms. My daughter is obsessed with pom poms! 

After making back into the kitchen and giving them their goods, playtime quickly began. At first, there were only a few pom poms puzzle pieces on the floor, but that soon changed. They ended up All. Over. The. Floor. As the mess ensued, I could feel my anxiety rise, but I also noticed something else. My daughter was so clam and happy. She teetered around picking up and dumping pom poms. My son, played with his puzzle and then (queitly) joined in with his sister. What did I do? I watched. I played on my stomach and admired their sweetness. I snapped a many pics as I could. I wasn’t going to miss this little moment. This memory will stick me. A simple memory of I time that I put my Mom duties on pause and let them just play.

I put aside all of the chores, to-do’s, and rules. I just watched them play.

 I don’t have a spick and span hosue, but I like to keep things picked up. I’m also not super super hard on my kiddos. But, I do quick a little worked up when my house gets messy. Why? My anxiety! I can control what chores get done. I can control the mess. Yeah, I’ll stop there. Another day, another post, ha!

Next time the kids want to make a mess, let them. It can always be picked up. I’m glad I let them make a mess in my kitchen. I second guessed myself, but I’m happy I flipped my “mom” switch off and just watched them play. It was exhilarating and motivating. Kinda like, “You got this girl!”

Oh, if I could bottle that moment!

Do you recall a favorite Mom moment? Please share below!                                                      I would love to hear you story.

Have a fab weekend, y’all! Hugs to all of you mommas out there! 

 ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎


Just Say “No” to Mom Guilt

#thegalnextdoor 1 (1)

Hi y’all! Yay, the weekend is almost here. I’m ready for to chill time with the fam. This week was exciting and fun, but this momma is tired. 

I hope you have a fun holiday weekend ahead!

As I mentioned yesterday on IG, today I’m talking about one of the complexities of motherhood.

For me, I have always had huge dreams. Through out college and after graduating, I have tried several different ventures. While some weren’t as successful as others, I grew from them. Fast forward to today, I’m still a big dreamer and I always will be. 

 It’s taken quite some time for me to understand how to balance being a mom and wanting to achieve my goals. I by no means have it all figured out, but I’m becoming very comfortable with the idea that I can keep striving for my goals and be a great mom. The kiddos are my life, they’re my everything, but I still have dreams. I want my kids to know that no matter how many times they may fail, they should never give up. I want them to learn from their mistakes and keep pushing.

While I understand that I can strive for my goals, I still feel mom guilt.

How well are the kids eating? Is the house clean? Did I return all of those emails? Who’s birthday is it again? Oh, and I still need to lose 10 pounds. Agh! Moms, is this a similar stream of thought for you? The never-ending list of to-do’s can be overwhelming and agitating. Many, many times I have felt the guiltly for not completing everything on my list. What’s the point of beating myself up when I’m trying to be the best mom I can be? I still don’t know the answer to that. I think it’s very common in most moms, and that’s what compelled me to write this post.

While I still struggle with guilt, I know that I can only take one day at a time. I may not have completed all of my tasks, but that’s doesn’t make me a bad mom.

That’s where grace comes into play.

Grace. Can we talk about wonderful grace is? God’s unending grace is a special gift that I’ve grown to appreciate more and more everyday. But grace doesn’t have to come from only God. Give yourself some grace, momma. Cut yourself some slack. When things get super overwhelming and you feel like you’re failing, stop.

Take a deep breath.

 Find a quiet place and stop, even if it’s the bathroom. Moms, you totally get me, right? Dial back the pressure to be perfect. Don’t compare yourself to other moms. No one is perfect, and no one has it all together. You don’t have to be perfect to be a good mom. 

Say a prayer.

When the guilt is becoming unbearable, say a little prayer and give yourself grace. Pray for the grace to do what’s most important, and God will pave the way for everything else.

So, to all you moms out there, keep going. You can achieve your goals and still be a mom. With God’s grace, you can do it all. 

Celebrate the Super Mom that you are! 

What’s the best mom advice you’ve ever received?
